Monday, 20 December 2010

27th poetry: Sincere

Nobody knows what I feel to you.

Because they never want to understand.

And you never know my heart.

Open your eyes awhile to hear me closely...

My only wish is make you happy all day...

With a laugh and a smile that graced your day...

Although I know your heart was not in this place.

But I sincerely want to see you smile...

I've never felt like this before.

Until I had no strength anymore to stay away from you...

Let me a little close to you,
Let all people talk and all the censures,
I will stay in this way,
Cause I’m just staring you from my heart...

Thinking about you, that you say you love me its like a dream on my dream.
Let me be asleep forever if its only dream.

There is the way I love you.

And I expect nothing, besides seeing ur smile,

Because I sincerely for you...

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